Tweets created with love

Our collections

Tweet: It looks like @Google Pixel will never be able to catch up with iPhone. My wife's phone is less than 2 years old and her motherboard died.
Tweet: Quick update for @porch_ship:   - Hit $17K MR - served over 2,000 customers since launching 1.5 years ago - Hired first employee in PA - Expanding into Ohio and hiring the first person there  Still bootstrapping.
Tweet: It feels like GitHub Copilot should be free especially for people who learn to code. $100/year for many people around the world is a lot of money.
Tweet: Nice job @Wefunder! Promoting a healthy lifestyle!
Tweet: It is nice to be back after 3 years.
Tweet: Reading @lynsie  book and I was very surprised to learn about @iwpgh  salaries. I don't think that incentives are aligned. Please correct me if this information is inaccurate.
Tweet: My business just reached $10k/month for the first time since I started building companies 5 years ago. A lot of failures along the way.
Tweet: What database do people use for learning SQL?

To make your tweets look great, we guarantee high quality merch.

Premium quality

6.0 oz., 100% pre-shrunk ringspun cotton
Non-chafe fabric taping reinforces neck and shoulders

Delivery service

US or International.
Printing and shipping usually takes 1–3 business days.

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Whether you still have a question about printing, pricing, need a tech support, or want to order 20 shirts for your team, we are ready to answer all your questions.

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